Saturday, October 27, 2012

Say what our flights are covered???

***ADOPTION UPDATE*** Brian and I honestly have been flipping out a bit with expenses, but God has truly provided. A friend of a friend, who we've never even met heard about our adoption and wanted to donate the entire cost of mine and Brian's first flights over to Ethiopia, which would have cost us around $4,000. Not only did he want to donate the flights for us, but wanted us to travel first class- we didn't do the first class, but can you believe this??? While talking with others about adoption and the cost of it etc. we were told by many adoptive families that when the Lord is calling you to adopt, He will provide the money and we certainly first hand know this to be true. Most middle class families like us adopting multiple children at one time don't have 55,000+ in savings to adopt, however still know that God has called them to adopt and have to trust Him each step of the way. I'm not going to pretend-that's hard, but God truly does each ...
and every time a large amount of money that we no longer have in our account is due gives us exactly and I mean exactly what is needed. This process has taught Brian and I so much. We were first adopting domestic with the mind set of "we got this", we almost have exactly what is needed saved, we're not fundraising; to we don't even have half of what is needed, fundraising is now required and we're totally dependent on God to provide, and... He has. He keeps humbling this prideful couple and we're so grateful. We still have moola to raise for our second trip when we will be bringing our girls home, but will rest in in Him and His provision and continue to praise Him for His blessings. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. -Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Right after posting this above on FB, I had to add an additional comment:
-Ha I"m dying.. Just got an e-mail that He wants us to call back and get the upgrades, so looks like we'll be flying first class for our very first time... Ok, I don't think I have any more tears left...
Then after posting the above I got sent these pics:


Memaw, Pappaw. Aunt Karen and Uncle Preston!!!

Oh yes, I've been crying a flood of tears all moring and then I get sent this one:

One of our Girl's adopted big Sissy's Gio!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! The Lord sure is wonderful. It is amazing that He is always there to supply our needs when we need Him to. Your girls will be blessed to join your family and to be able to be raised in a Christian family. May the Lord continue to bless your family.
