Monday, March 19, 2012

Her name is????

Nora Rejoyce Snow- She will be named after her Great Granny and her Memaw.

     Brian's grandmother was a precious woman who loved her Savior. I will forever be grateful for the last weeks of life with her, she lived well and she died well. One special night was when my sister-in-law and I got to stay up with her, which was her last night still speaking and all she wanted was to hear us read scriptures and sing songs to God. Open my eyes Lord, was one of her requests, and when we got to the part I want to see Jesus she wept with tears of joy at the realization that He was calling her home and she was going to see Him face to face. Her sweet voice singing that with all the strength she could is forever etched into my precious memories of her. I will never as long as I live forget the beauty of caring for our sweet Granny.

      Rejoyce comes from my Momma's middle name "Joyce". Love having a daughter that will be named after my Momma. My Mom however can't stand her middle name and maybe my teen rebellion years are coming into play with us choosing that name. Just kidding, I love my Momma and I'm so grateful to God for the special relationship we have.

     The Re added to Joyce well, is hopefully obvious- we will so rejoice in the little girl God chooses for our family!!!

     So yes, were not going to be doing the P. H. thing like we did with our three boys, besides my Momma really didn't like Petunia Hazel. lol